1,571 days, 2,407 entries ...

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Much to the delight of writers, concrete poets, and ASCII artists, creative coders Play and EREN launch Typed, a text-based NFT market place on the Tezos chain. Featuring a spartan interface reminiscent of the Hic et Nunc glory days, Typed allows minting of bare-bones text entries, inviting all kinds of character-based experimentation. Within hours of being announced on Twitter, the platform was bustling with activity (image: Leander Herzog’s adaption of his generative art hit Agglo).

Kuti #57: The Digi-Kuti
In this special issue dedicated to “adventures in digital narration,” the comic magazine gathers AI mangas, ANSI tapestries, PETSCII meditations, and teletext novellas by 13 artists including Raquel Meyers, Jake Jellica, Ilan Manouach & Yannis Siglidis, and Joonas Rinta-Kanto.
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Daily discoveries at the nexus of art, science, technology, and culture: Get full access by becoming a HOLO Reader!
  • Perspective: research, long-form analysis, and critical commentary
  • Encounters: in-depth artist profiles and studio visits of pioneers and key innovators
  • Stream: a timeline and news archive with 1,200+ entries and counting
  • Edition: HOLO’s annual collector’s edition that captures the calendar year in print
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